Saturday, May 8, 2010

Club AGM - Election of Exco 2010/2011

Dear Members and Friends,
We had our 13th Annual General Meeting last Friday (07th May 2010) at the Summer Palace Restaurant. We had great times catching up with each other while enjoying the sumptous dinner ordered by our Secretary, Nancy Liew.
For those who have missed this meeting, wanna know what you have missed? Mmmm, here it goes...don't drool ...
Baked Top Shell Scallop accompanies with Marinated Escagot with Jelly Fish
Braised Crab Meat Soup with Vege
Crispy roast Chicken with Herbs
Steamed Red Snaper with preserved Vegetables & Shredded Pork
Wok-fried King Prawn with Oats
Stewed Pacific Clam, Vegetarian Bag with Home-made Beancurd
Wok-fried Rice Vermecelli with Brinjal and Fish Sauce
Chilled Stuffed Rambutan with Basil Seed Syrup
Custard Pan Cake with Steamed Potato Cake with Shredded Coconut Slik

Complimentary red wine
We had the election for officers of term 2010/2011 and I am proud to present the line up to you here. A big congratulations to:
Executive Committee for Term 2010/2011
President: Nancy Liew
Vice President Education: Peter Siew
Vice President Membership: Tham Chee Wah
Vice President Public Relations: Victor Ong
Secretary: Samantha Teoi
Treasurer: Yip Wah Pung
Sergeant-at-arm: Joyce Hue
Auditor 1: SK Khor
Auditor 2: Ken Wang
Congratulations to Nancy and team. We look forward a great term under your able leadership.
Snapshots taken during AGM...
Members at Club's 13th AGM, 7th May 2010
Secretary Nancy Liew, Victor Ong & SK Khor

Baked scallops with Samantha, Joyce, Karen

Victor, SK & Yip WP (Treasurer)

Project new Exco list : Lay Kun, Amy, Subra, Dr Arul

Ken, Ivan & Regina enjoying sweet dessert.

Election with returning officer (Bernard) and President, Foong WT