Sunday, May 9, 2010

Acceptance Speech by President Term 2010/2011

Acceptance Speechby President-Elect Nancy Liew, ACS ALB

7th May 2010
13th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Thank you Mr President Foong WT.
Very good evening fellow Members.

I am honored to have been elected as the President for the incoming term. I like to express my gratitude, first and foremost; the Nomination Committee as well as fellow Members for giving me the opportunity to serve the Club. Thank you for your trust in me and my team. I hereby accept the obligation, being the President-Elect until the installation ceremony takes place.

I am glad that tonight seeing many active, semi-active and inactive members returned. I am deeply touched by your present, thank you so much!

Let me recall the day I joined DuAdvanced, as my 2nd club immediately after achieved my CTM award 5 years ago. Thanks to Past President Ken Wang... [applaud], without your approval on my Enrolment Form, I won't be here today.

Half a decade in the Club certainly meant something to me, mainly in 3 areas. (i) I was enriched by the 101 Session, which provided the learning opportunity from speakers in diverse industries. Secondly, our club practices the most variety of Advanced Speeches those days; hence, instilled my stronger learning desire in public speaking. Thirdly, the Open Evaluation session -- one of the most effective way towards improvement of speaking. I am very sure that most of the past presidents and older members were in that involvement, you certainly deserve a round of applause for this unique contribution... [applaud]. For the fact that, these 3 areas are the qualities that led the club shone for 5-consectutive President's Distinguished status.

I am grateful that being nurtured in the cradle of DuAdvance all these years. I gained tremendous perspectives in life from the circle of toastmasters. This marvellous connection shape me up, into a better person. Till now, I still upholding the value; in short, I called it "Positive Voice, Persistent Vim", which can't be wrong!

Tonight, is the most important highlight to set the club's outlook. No one knows how far the Club will sail. But, one thing for sure, that the Club has much more treasures to be discovered. I have confidence in my capable team, to continously strive to fulfil the mission of the Club.

Dear fellow member and my dearest team, let us work together towards the theme for next term ~~~ "A Voyage of Discovery" !!! Let the new term to begin with a bang!!! [applaud]