Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Note of sharing from Yien Li ...

There was once a girl...

Congratulations Yien Li for achieving Competent Leader Award

There was once a girl who worked in a factory,
Who had no life beyond that of TV,
She loved to read, write, sing off-key and speak,
Alas, finding someone to listen was bleak.

One day at work, she received an invitation,
Which she opened with some hesitation,
From a colleague she has never met,
Asking her to put on her party hat!

The Toastmasters were having a party!
To celebrate Holloween, to act a little crazy,
Come join us during that night, it said
Plenty of costumes, games, drinks and cake!

She went as a witch, pointy hat and giggly,
Not knowing it was the beginning of a journey,
It has been 4 years and counting,
That she started standing up and speaking.

Ups and downs, sideways and round n round,
Sleepless nights writing speeches, too numerous to count,
Worn many hats, planner, executor, mediator,
She found out what it meant to be a leader.

She still finds speaking in front of crowds intimidating,
But can now control the once obvious shaking,
She’s not perfect, she still needs improving,
This road is one she’ll continue walking …

To paraphrase Evita:
She’s not talking about a hurried night
A frantic speech then a shy goodbye
Rushing home before it gets to light
This was not the reason Toastmasters caught her eye
Which has to imply, it’d be good for her
It’d be surprisingly good for her