Monday, March 31, 2008

Script for Installing Officer (Installation of Club Officers)

D’Utama Advancd Toastmasters Club Installation

§ Organising Chairman, (name)
§ Division C Officers
§ President (name)
§ Club Presidents
§ Fellow Toastmasters
§ Ladies and Gentlemen

it is an honour and privilege for me to install the new officers of the D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club.

Before we proceed with the installation of the new officers, it is my duty to discharge the retiring Executive Committee or EXCO.

Please withhold your applause until the ceremony is completed.

I will call the outgoing EXCO members to come to the stage and be recognised.

President: (name and title)
VP Education: (name and title)
VP Membership: (name and title)
VP Public Relations: (name and title)
Secretary: (name and title)
Treasurer: (name and title)
Sergeant-at-arms: (name and title)
You are hereby discharged from all further duties and responsibilities as Club Officers of D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club.

Ladies and Gentlemen. to show our appreciation for their hard work and dedication to office, please join me in giving them a round of applause.

You may return to your seats. Thank you.


My function is to install the officers of the D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club.
It is my intention to prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead.
Their collective challenge is

• to make this Club a viable force,
• dedicated to helping people from all walks of life,
• speak in an effective manner,
• listen with sensitivity and
• think creatively.

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, please withhold your applause until the ceremony is completed.

May I invite members of the EXCO up to the stage, starting with

Sergeant-at-Arms : (name and title)
Treasurer: (name and title)
Secretary: (name and title)
Vice President Public Relations: (name and title)
Vice President Membership: (name and title)
Vice President Education: (name and title)
President: (name and title)

I will call each officer to step forward as I briefly outline the challenges they will meet and what is expected of them in their respective roles.

Sergeant-at-Arms, (name and title)
"(name and title), as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.

As Sergeant at-Arms, you will take the active leadership in welcoming members and guests to the Club meetings, make them feel at home and insure they receive a favourable impression of a smooth, well-run meeting. Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?"

(EXCO member to say "Yes I Will." and then hand the gavel to the next officer )

Treasurer, (name and title)
"(name and title) as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.

As Treasurer of this Club, you have the primary responsibility to manage and control all funds of this Club, collect payable dues and fees and make all payments promptly.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?"

(Officer to answer "Yes I Will." and then hand the gavel to the next officer )

Secretary, (name and title)
(name and title), as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.

As Secretary of this Club, you are the central focus for all records. It is your responsibility to maintain a current set of records of all meetings and activities.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?"

(Officer to answer "Yes I Will." and then hand the gavel to the next officer )

Vice President Public Relations, (name and title)
"(name and title), as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.

In order to effectively fulfill the mission of Toastmasters International, we must
continuously attract new members. As Vice President Public Relations, you are responsible for coordinating an active public relations and publicity program.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability ?"

(Officer to answer "Yes I Will." and then hand the gavel to the next officer )

Vice President Membership, (name and title)
"(name and title), as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.

As an educational organisation, our mission is to help people develop their communication skills.
As Vice President Membership, you are responsible for building membership and assuring a strong membership base.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?"

(Officer to answer "Yes I Will." and then hand the gavel to the next officer )

Vice President Education, (name and title)
"(name and title), as a symbol of your leadership in this club, please hold the gavel and raise your right hand.

As Vice President Education, you are responsible for providing and maintaining an educational program through which members develop their communication and leadership skills. As the second in command, you will also represent the President and preside over the club meetings in his absence.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?"

(Officer to answer "Yes I Will." and then hand the gavel back to the Installation Officer)

(name and title)
(The gavel is to be given later. )
"(name and title), having been elected the President of the D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club, it is your challenge to move this Club forward so that the membership and educational goals of its members and that of Toastmasters International are met.

Please accept the gavel as a symbol of your leadership and dedication to office."
(Installing Officer to hand gavel to the President. President to hold gavel on left hand and raise his right hand )
"The gavel is a symbol of the power and authority given to you by the membership of this Club. Use it wisely and with restraint. Now it is time to plan for the future, arrive at strategies that will make this Club the finest in Toastmasters International. Will you, as President, accept this challenge and perform your duties to the best of your ability?"

(President to say "Yes I Will." then returns to the line-up, still holding the gavel)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to declare these Toastmasters installed into the respective offices to which they have been elected.

Will the Immediate Past President come and join the President on the stage?

(name and title), as Immediate Past President of D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club, will you offer the President’s pin to (name and title), as a symbol of her dedication and service?

(name and title), as President of D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club, will you offer the Past President’s pin to (name and title) for his ongoing guidance and dedication to the Club?

Please remain on stage for the members’ pledge.

Installing Officer:
"May I invite all members of D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club to stand and raise your right hand."

(Wait for a few seconds for members to rise.)

"The growth and development of the Toastmasters program in D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club depends largely upon the actions of this group.

On your honour, as men and women of the Toastmasters organisation, do you individually and collectively stand by this Club, live with it and work with it throughout the coming year?"
Members, will you honour this pledge?

(Members to reply "I will")

Installing Officer:

"Thank you, you may be seated." (wait few seconds ).
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to present the EXCO for (term year)
(Lead applause )
Exco Members will then leave the stage in the order they were installed, followed by Installing Officer.