Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A vibrant finale to the Term 2010/11 @ 9th June 2011!!!

Annoucement from Vice President-Education
Peter Siew, DTM

Dear Friends,
Good morning.

It will be another exciting night. This meeting is finale of this term meeting. We will have the last half goal to make the club President's Distinguished Club for the term 2010 - 2011. Isn't is very exciting. Our member Dinesh will be doing the last assignment from C & C manual. He will be the final one of all that make the club President's Distinguished Club.

Please all members come to witness the grand night of the year. Moreover, we need members to attend to meet the quorum for the EGM. Members please come forward for the special EGM meeting. Now, the club needs you, please support.

Thank you so much. Looking forward to see all of you.

With Love,
Peter Siew


9th June 2011 ~ Speakers' Nite ~

Registration:   Yip Wah Pung, ATMS ALS
Welcome by ASA:  Peter Siew, DTM
Presidential Address:  Nancy Liew, ACS ALB

Toastmaster of the Evening:  Foong Weng Tuck, ACS
General Evaluator:  Tham Chee Wah, DTM
Language Evaluator:  Lim Lay Kun, ACB CL
AH Counter:  Joyce Hue, ACS
Time Keeper:  Yip Wah Pung, ATMS ALS

Assignment Speakers:
1)  Kenyu Ho  - CC #2
2)  Chooi Kum Yin - CC#3
3)  Nur Iylia - CC#6
4)  Ho Fong Ming - CC#7

5)  Cherrise Tan - CC#7
6)  Dinesh Krishnan - CC#10
7)  Chan Siew Peng - ACC #1

Speech Evaluators:
1)  Bernard Louis, DTM
2)  G Subramaniam, DTM
3)  Jess Fong, ACS
4)  Dennis Wee, DTM

5)  Lee Wei Seong, ACG
6)  Dr A Arunalthan, DTM
7)  Low Yat Seow, DTM