Sunday, August 22, 2010

Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest Chair Script

Humorous Speech &
Evaluation Contest
Contest Chair Script

Good evening, distinguished toastmaster, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests for the term 2010 / 2011.

We will start off our meeting this evening with the Humorous Speech Contest.

The purpose of this Humorous Speech Contest is:

  • To provide an opportunity for speakers to improve their speaking abilities and to recognize the best as encouragement to all.
  • To provide an opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient speakers who have benefited from their Toastmasters training.

Before the contest begins, here are the general procedures:

  • To be eligible to compete at any level of Humorous Speech Contest, the contestant must be a Toastmaster in good standing of a club in good standing.
  • Contestants must prepare their own five to seven minutes, which must be substantially original and certifies as such in writing to the chief judge by the contestants prior to the presentation of the speeches (on form 1183, Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility and Originality).
  • All contestants will speak from the same platform or area designated by the contest chairman with prior knowledge of all the judges and all the contestants.
  • Speeches shall be from five to seven minutes. Contestants who speak less than four minutes 30 seconds or more than seven minutes 30 seconds will be disqualified.
  • Timing devices and the timers are situated at the rear of this room. Contestants have been informed of its location.
  • The green light will be turned on at 5 minutes and remain on for 1 minute. The amber light will be turned on at 6 minutes and remain on for 1 minute. The red light will be turned on at 7 minutes and remain on until the speech is concluded. No audible device, such as a buzzer, shall be used for the overtime period.
  • Time will begin with the first word uttered by the contestant. However, should the contestant engage in definite verbal or non verbal communication with the audience (including the playing of music or other sound effects, a staged act by another person, etc.) prior to reaching the speaking position and uttering the first word of the speech, the timer shall activate the timing device at that point. If this results in the contestant going overtime, the contestant will be disqualified.
  • There will be one minute of silence between contestants, during which the judges will mark their ballots.
  • Protests will be limited to judges and contestants. Any protest will be lodged with the chief judge and/or contest chairman prior to the announcement of the winner and alternate(s). The contest chairman shall notify the contestant of a disqualification regarding originality prior to that announcement before the meeting at which the contest took place is adjourned.
  • There will be three winners in this contest and representing the club to the Area B1 contest which will be held on 4th Sept 2010 (Saturday) @ Taylor’s University College, Lakeside Campus, LT 7, 1.00pm – 5.30pm

The speaking order of the contestants is as follows:

Contestant #1:
Contestant #2:
Contestant #3:
Contestant #4:

For everyone in this room, please observe a few House rules:

  • Please switch off all electronic devices such as hand phones, beepers etc so as not to disrupt the contest proceedings.
  • No one is allowed to walk about in this room during the contest; our SAA will be at the door to ensure that no one leaves or enters the room while the speakers are performing.
  • During the 1 minute silence, you may leave the room but do come back within the 1 minute break, if not, the doors will be shut and you will only be allowed to come in at the next 1 minute interval.

Now, after listening to the procedures, let the contest begin.

Judges, are you ready? Timers ready? Contestants ready? How audiences? Are you all ready? Let’s welcome our first contestant.

Note: (Contestant’s name), (Speech title), (Speech title), (Contestant’s name). – slow and clear

After a speech: Thank you, Contestant’s name, let’s have 1 minute of silence, please. 1 minute is up. Let’s welcome the second, third, fourth and final contestant.

After all the speeches: Ballot counters, please collect the Judges scores and Timers report. Thank you.

Is everyone hungry? Let’s us have 25 minutes break. Please be back by …………

Enjoy yourself with the refreshment? Welcome back to the 2nd part of the program – Evaluation Contest. There are 7 members taking part in the Evaluation Contest this evening.

The purpose of this contest is:

To provide an opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient evaluators who have benefited from their Toastmasters training.

Before the contest begins, these are the general procedures:

  • To be eligible to compete at any level of Evaluation Contest, the contestant must be a Toastmaster in good standing of a club in good standing
  • All contestants will speak from the same platform or area designated by the contest chairman with prior knowledge of all the judges and all the contestants.
  • Evaluation shall be from 2 to 3 minutes. Contestants who speak less than one minute thirty seconds or more than three minutes thirty seconds will be disqualified.
  • The green light will be turned on at 2 minutes. The amber light will be turned on at 2 minute 30 seconds. The red light will be turned on at 3 minutes and remain on until the evaluation is concluded.
  • There will be one minute of silence between contestants, during which the judges will mark their ballots.
  • There will be three winners in this contest and the Champion will be representing the club to the Area B1 contest which will be held on 4th Sept 2010 (Saturday) @ Taylor’s University College, Lakeside Campus, LT 7, 1.00pm – 5.30pm

The speaking order of the contestants is as follows:

Contestant #1:
Contestant #2:
Contestant #3:
Contestant #4:
Contestant #5:
Contestant #6:
Contestant #7:

For everyone in this room, please observe a few House rules:

  • Please switch off all electronic devices such as hand phones, beepers etc so as not to disrupt the contest proceedings.
  • No one is allowed to walk about in this room during the contest; our SAA will be at the door to ensure that no one leaves or enters the room while the speakers are performing.
  • During the 1 minute silence, you may leave the room but do come back within the 1 minute break, if not, the doors will be shut and you will only be allowed to come in at the next 1 minute interval.
Now, let the contest begin.

We would like to invite our Test Speaker to present a 5-7 min speech for Evaluation.  May we invite (name), (speech title), (speech title), (name).

Thank you very much, Test Speaker (name).  Now, there will be 5 minutes for the contestants to prepare their evaluation script in the confines of this room.  Preparation starts now.

The 5 minutes is up.  Please pass your notes to the ASA for safe-keeping.  All but the 1st contestant is to leave the room now, you will be called by the ASA when your turn to present your evaluation is announced.  Please write your name on your notepad when you pass it to the ASA.

ASA, can you lead the contestants other than the first contestant to leave the room? Thank you

Judges, are you ready? Timers ready? Contestants ready?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Let’s us welcome the first contestant.

During the Evaluation: Contestant’s name, Listen carefully or listen to this.

Note: (Contestant’s name) (Contestant’s name)

After the Evaluation: Thank you, (Contestant’s name), let’s have 1 minute of silence, please. 1 minute is up. Let’s welcome the second, third and so on.

After all the Evaluation: Ballot counters, please collect the Judges scores and Timers report. Thank you.

While waiting for the results, it is our pleasure to invite our president, ……………….., to give out the certificates and souvenirs. Thank you for your participation and making this contest a success.

Chief Judge, have we got the results? Drum roars, please.

The contest (Humorous Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest)

1st runner up is …………..
Our champion is ……………………..

Ladies and Gentlemen. Remember to support them on 4th Sept 2010 (Saturday) @ Taylor’s University College.

Let me pass the lectern back to our President, Nancy Liew.

Good night.