Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bravo to Siew Peng & Bernard !!!

A thank you note to

Organizing cum Contest Chaiman, DTM Tham Chee Wah
and his team members :  Aurthur Yong, Angeline, Li Lian,  Alice, Yien Li
Chief Judge : ACB Lim Lay Kun and her group of Judges

for having successfully conducted the Club's
Humorous Speech & Speech Evaluation Contest 2011/2011 !!!
20th August 2010

from left :
Nancy, Li Lian, Angeline, Alice, Yien Li, Arthur, Chee Wah, Lay Kun
Congratulation to ...

HS Champion - Chan Siew Peng
HS 1st Runner Up - Foong Weng Tuck

SE Champion - Bernard Vincent Louis
SE 1st Runner Up - Chan Siew Peng
SE 2nd Runner Up - Victor Ong

and to all contestants, you're equally the best
SK Khor, Karen Yen and Joyce Hue.