Sunday, June 20, 2010

Installation Nite

Fun, Exciting & Shout-Out for the new Term 2010-2011

Scrumptious Italian food and wine.

Victor, VPPR & SK Khor - bring in more members for next term?

Samantha, Sec & Karen & Joyce, SAA - I tell you-ah, all must be minuted!

Subra, Siew Peng, Lay Kun, AG & Koh (Melaka)

Lay Kun, AG & Dennis, TLI Chair, Cherrise, Wu

Lay Kun (AG), Joyce (SAA), Samantha (Sec), Victor (VPPR), Chee Wah (VPM), Peter (VPE), Nancy (President), Foong WT (IPP)

On the evening of June 19, 2010, D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters were in Bangsar (CafĂ© Barbera, to be precise) to attend the club’s Installation Nite. Like all our many previous gatherings, the company was exemplary, the food exceptional (especially the lamb shank), and the proceedings solemn. The current ExCo was dutifully discharged (well, in reality they have eleven days more before their term ends!) and the incoming ExCo was sworn in. Foong Weng Tuck and Bernard Louis were noticeably chirpy – knowing they will be standing down as Club President and Vice President Education respectively. They and the others have done a great job this term but it’s time for a new team to take command and embark on “a voyage of discovery”. And equally important, Lee Wei Seong ensured there was a generous supply of red wine to keep us all in the right ‘spirits’!