Wednesday, March 20, 2019


"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. " 
Anthony J D'Angelo

It is that time of the year again for our annual Speechcraft Programme. The 2 days programme is a complete programme for participants to learn crafting of speech , delivery, impromptu speaking, team learning, leadership roles, evaluation and creative thinking. The organising team inputted wholeheartedly into the 2 days. The attendees were energetic , enthusiastic and enterprising. They delivered with so much gusto and the bar was pushed high. Amazing participation and we have to agree that this term's attendees were simply amazing !

Best speaker Cheang Min Shin

 The detailed exhibition team White Panther

 The amazing gutsy and humorous Treasure Hunters... The Soong Dynasty sisters

 The Gen Y team Relocation

 The creative and humorous team Alien Invasion

An extremely jubilant end to the 2 days programme. Til we meet again next year. 

Form more photoes and information please visit

Prepared by Sharon Foo ACS ALB IP3