The turn up rate for the meeting held last week was the highest according to our dear Madame President's count: 30 people. Meeting start at 7.45 with President's speech on 'Self Affirmation'.
The Holy Ghost, ATMB, CL Foong took on the stage as he commands the role of Toastmasters of the Day, double up as the Table Topic Master. All topics selected were carefully selected with a twist.
1) A LADIES place is in the KITCHEN and not in the BOARDROOM
2) Bikinis should be banned
3) Women are MAJOR causes of MINOR accidents
4) Do you believe in GHOST?
Here comes the big suprise for the day. The exco members had planned to give a suprise for Deborah on her belated birthday. Special thanks to Bonnie and Foong who coordinated this for our dear President.
The meeting went on with ATMB Maria Yap speaking on her Cameron Highlands honeymoon experience, followed by ATMB Bonnie who shared her experience in caring for the less fortunate children and TM Kenneth Shee who attempted his ice breaker.
The open evaluation was chaired by the General Evaluator DTM Le Ann Tang, as audience were given the opportunity to provide feedback to all the speakers. Meeting ended at approximately 10pm.
Look out for the next meeting: 11 September 2008!