there is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap
the job's a game ! " Mary Poppins
Embarking on a new pathway may be nerve wrecking and totally unknown territory. Find the excitement of gaining new knowledge and it will springjump you to a whole new world ! Be brave .
This is a wonderful meeting of so many icebreakers (first speech) The speakers are getting better and enthusiastic for the next speech. Everyone learn from first attempt and they find excitement in the journey!
Presidential opening address : Sharon Foo
Toastmaster of the day : Jeff Foong
Grammarian : Lim Zhu San
Timer : Foong Weng Tuck AH Counter Stuart Tang
General Evaluator Lee King Kong
Table Topics Master Dinesh Krishnan
Guest : Vincent Oon
Guest : Phillip
Guest Abigail
September and October birthday stars
Speaker Cindy Chan
Speaker Lim Lay Kun
Speaker Sharon Koh
Speaker Edward Teh
Evaluator Bernard Louis
Evaluator Peter Siew
In D Utama Advanced Toastmasters, excitement in every meeting is always the key for the members and guests to learn , experience and strive. Do give us a call.
For more photoes and information, please visit our facebook page
Prepared by : Sharon Foo ACS ALB IP3