Monday, November 28, 2011

Two Meetings in the Month of November!

 This month our club had 2 meetings due to many members were waiting for speaking slots .
First meeting was held on the 10 November 2011 & second  meeting  was held on the 24 November 2011.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Meeting Theme : “ when the student is ready …..

Word of the Day – Readiness.

This is an extra meeting organised to cater to our members who needed speaking slots.Twenty two people attended this meeting including 6 guests.

 Area Governor B5 and Immediate Past President  ACS Nancy Liew brilliantly sailed us through the meeting as the Toastmaster of the Evening. 

Area Gov G4 and President of MAS Melor Toastmasters club, ACS Thiagarajah presided as the General Evaluator.

Meeting was brought to order by TM Iylia Roslan ( First time ASA ) .

CC Dinesh Krishnan provided an array of thought provoking topics as the Table Topics Master ( his first time ).

We had two guests ( Rizal and Shirley ) who participated in the Table topics session and Shirley was voted as the Best Speaker.

ACG Ivan Ho was the Table Topics Evaluator

Good ole Uncle Foong ( ACS Foong Weng Tuck ) gave us some hilarious anecdotes on ‘ ghosts and the 7th month of the Lunar Calendar during the Humour Segment.

Our new member Jeff Poon in his ice breaker speech “ My Life Journey Till Today ”, revealed that he was born in Ipoh but was raised in Bidor.
Even though he is from a tin mining family he learnt to be independent from young. Today he 
owns two F&B outlets and aims to be a millionaire entrepreneur with the intention of helping others.. He was given the customary standing ovation when he was presented with the ‘ First Timer ‘ ribbon.

TM Iylia Roasln in her 7th speech gave an inspiring speech on the life of ‘ the Great Teacher Oprah ‘ (Oprah Winfrey ).  

Kenyu Ho in his speech “ I promise never to set goals again “ advised us to stop setting goals but start making promises.

 He was judged the best speaker for the evening.

ACG Lee Wei Seong presented an inspiring 20 minute talk “ An Insight into Speech Evaluation “.
 He shared with us his personal tips on how to evaluate effectively.

DTM Dennis Wee who evaluated Iylia was voted the Best Evaluator.

Martin Yen who officially joined our club at this meeting manned the AH counter and DTM Tham Chee Wah was our Language evaluator.

With this meeting’s assignment as TME, ACS Nancy Liew completed her Competent Leader award.
 Our club now has 4 DCP goals…..moving towards being President Distinguished Club again.  

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Meeting was attended by 21 people including 3 guests ( Finas, president of  Maxis TMC, Kevin who came to support Calvin Cheah and Area Governor B1 ACS Jess Foong ).

Our VPE ACS Chan Siew Peng was the Toastmaster of the Evening, and she aptly chose the theme Smile  and the Word of the Day was Likeable.

Our Table Topics master ACB Chen Yien Li intelligently used the theme to create topics for our speakers to respond.
DTM Dr. William Lau ( from MIHRM Toastmasters club ) spoke eloquently on his topic to be voted as the Best table topics speaker.
He has been a Toastmasters for many seasons, and he was a member of our club some years ago. He said it was good to be back after 11 years.
He was our General Evaluator, an experienced one, and it was a delight to observe him in action.
There were 5 prepared speeches including an ice breaker speech by TM Calvin Cheah who spoke on his early childhood days.

TM Ernie Liu (  first time ASA ) enlightened us on “ the policy of NATO ”- No action, Talk Only.  

ATMS Yip Wah Pung has been watching the women behave on tours, this was evident in his Entertaining Speech – Malaysian Women Tourists .

CC Arthur Yong spoke in praise of Dennis MacAlistair Richie ……” In Memory of a Quiet Giant ”.
ACS Foong Weng Tuck related a touching story – “ the Old Oak Tree ” and he was the Best Speaker for the Evening. He concluded his speech with his rendition of Tony Orlando’s ‘ Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Tree ’. 

Insightful evaluations were delivered by CC Dinesh Krishan, TM Patrick Lim, DTM Peter Siew, DTM Low Yat Seow and Area Governor B 1 ACS Jess Foong.

The best Evaluator was Jess Foong who evaluated the ‘ Poker Face’ ATMS Yip Wah Pung.

DTM Dennis Wee was gracious enough to bring his First Runner Trophy, for the recently concluded District Evaluation Contest, for us to admire. 

Our Christmas Meeting is on 8 December 2011 at Mage Café, please block your calendar. There will be a gift exchange in the spirit of Christmas, amongst other great things happening that evening. Organised by ACS Joyce Hue.