Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Youthful experience at the YLP weekend

Last weekend was a great weekend. It was filled with excitement, learning, sharing, fun, laughter and lots of respect. It was the Youth Leadership Program + Direct Imagery.

After months of planning and organizing, the event took place and it was a success. 15 bubbly youths turned up for the program. All of them were prepared and curious, always wanting to learn and all the time ready to have fun. So that is exactly what we prepared for them.

To help me out, I had a wonderful team. Chee Wah assisted so much in the organizing and marketing of the YLP. He was a great mentor to me. Then we also had brilliant speakers who presented on topics that the excel in. We started of with Chee Wah who guided the youth about leadership. Then Hui Shan carried on with how to ’Organize a speech’. Karen Yen spoke on ‘Impromptu speaking’ and got the participants to think on their feet in a short table topic session. Ernest Wong continued with ‘Gestures’ and his session was so interactive that it made everyone laugh. Qin Mei did a session on ‘Voice and vocab’. She got everyone to cheer out loud and the room boomed with excitement.

We ended the day with some individual coaching session on how to prepare a presentation because that is just what the youth will have to do the next day. We started day 2 with the participants presenting an ‘Ice breaker’ speech. Wow! There is talent within them. We then continued with a topic on ‘Leadership skills’ by Jason Moi. He got everyone into a discussion and gave excellent examples. Julian Gan then shared with us on his journey of life and how leadership plays an important part of life. Very well done as the participants were moved to think.

Don’t you think that they all deserve a round of applause? *clap*clap*clap*

Throughout the 2 days, I sprinkled elements of direct imagery in the program. I did a session on goal setting where I asked the participants to draw out there goals. Then I led them through a session to visualize the goals in their mind. The purpose was to let them ‘see it as real’, then they can achieve it better. I also had a session on ‘relaxation’ where they just relax their body and mind and let go of all the tension. It is interesting to see how the participants enjoyed themselves and released all their stress. I also helped them uncover their modalities of learning and taught them how to utilize this in helping themselves remember and study better. I think the elements of direct imagery is a good added benefit to this YLP.

Last but not least, I have got to thank Wei Seong for helping us to source for the venue and helped to cater the delicious food!

The weekend just passes so quickly when you are having fun. Only now do I realize that all the effort that you put in to organize an event like that is well worth it. When you hear positive feedback from the participants, or when you hear ‘thank yous’ from the youth themselves, or even the happy faces on the youth, you feel good about all the work that you have done.

Everyone is having a fun time.
 Thank you to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club and to all who have helped me on this journey. You have made this a success! And thank you for giving me the opportunity for organizing this year’s YLP.

Warm regards,

Joyce Hue

Youth Leadership + Direct Imagery 2010 organizer